How to get your website indexed on Google FAST! 5 TIPS

Emily Clarke

Updated: January 13, 2024

2 minutes read

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Launched your website and itching for traffic? There might be a snag — Google may not have found it yet! But fear not! This guide will show you how to get indexed by Google fast, so you can attract the visitors your amazing site deserves. Let’s get your website on the map!

What does it mean to be indexed on Google?

Very simple. If you want your website to show up in Google search results, it needs to be indexed. It means that your website can be found from Google searches.

Top 5 Tips To Get Indexed Quickly

1. Submit a Sitemap to Google Search Console

Think of a sitemap as a map of your website, showing Google all the pages you have. This helps Google find and understand your content quickly. Creating a sitemap is easy, especially with website builders like WordPress.

2. Link Your Pages Together (Internal Linking)

Imagine your website as a city. Good internal linking is like well-connected roads. Visitors and search engines can easily navigate your site by clicking links between related pages. This shows Google the structure of your website and the importance of each page.

3. Optimize Your Website for Search Engines (On-Page SEO)

On-page SEO is like giving Google clues about your website’s content. This includes things like fast loading times, mobile-friendly design, and clear page titles and descriptions. You can use tools like Tag Parrot to check your website for missing information.

4. Get Other Websites to Link to You (Backlinks)

Backlinks are like recommendations from other websites. When high-quality websites link to your content, it tells Google your site is valuable. Earning backlinks takes time and effort, but you can start by sharing your content on social media and reaching out to relevant influencers.

5. Consider Indexing Services

Indexing services can help get your new pages noticed by Google faster. Sign up now and start indexing.

Remember: Content is King

While getting indexed is important, high-quality content is what will keep visitors coming back. Focus on creating valuable and informative content to climb the search engine rankings.

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Building website traffic takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results overnight. Keep creating great content and building backlinks, and you’ll eventually see your website climb the search engine ranks.